
Bright Ideas Blog, Renewable Energy Strategy, Solar, Sustainability

Why You Should Care About Solar Recycling, and What to Do Next

Solar energy powers 4 percent of the world’s electricity, according to The International Energy Agency  — the result of record-breaking growth in clean energy over the last 20-plus years. That’s the good news. At the same time, 8 million metric tons of solar panels are nearing the end of their (25-30 year) life expectancy and could be headed to landfills by 2030. Not so good.

Preparing for this onslaught of decommissioned solar panels requires us to advance the solar panel recycling process. It’s a critical step to fortify the solar industry’s effectiveness and reputation as a sustainable source of clean energy. 

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Branding, Bright Ideas Blog, Clean Transportation, Renewable Energy, Solar

Why Elon Musk’s Move Will Be a Clean Energy Business School Case in 2025

Elon Musk’s tender to acquire Solar City may be fraught with risk and some say insurmountable challenges, but this vertical integration play demonstrates a broader trend in clean energy. If the deal goes through, it could become a seminal business school case that’s instructive for generations to come.

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Bright Ideas Blog, Solar, Solar in Schools

Is Your School Ready for Solar?

The Solar Foundation estimates that more than 3,700 K-12 schools in the U.S. currently have solar power systems on site, serving nearly 2.7 million students across the nation and saving nearly $78 million in electricity costs annually. While that sounds like cause for celebration, there are currently 50 million students enrolled in elementary or secondary schools

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